100+ Broken heart sad status in english 2024

Are you searching for Broken heart sad status in english for your girlfriend or friends. That’s why I have brought Broken Heart Sad Status for you. Most of the people like to read shayari status after heart break. 

Broken heart is a term used to describe the emotional pain someone experiences when their romantic relationship comes to an end. It can be a difficult and painful process that involves feelings of sadness, loss, rejection, and loneliness.

I hope you will like this ours post very much. If you like our Broken Heart Sad Status, then definitely share the post. So let’s read the post without taking much time.

Broken heart sad status

Your memories are better than you, yara they never left my side.

This is how I ignite my desires My eyes are moist yet I smile from my face.

Our hearts were broken to pieces For the sake of their happiness we distanced ourselves from them.

Pray that he is only ours, Cause we don’t want to be anybody else.

Try me a little more, i’m just broken not broken yet.

Don’t go out looking for someone. People don’t lose – they change.

I was fond of giving you pain. We were also very fond of suffering.

They also get pain, who maintain relationships from the heart.

I feel like smiling a lot, but the past makes me cry again.

There is something strange in this world, there is no lie here, speaking the truth breaks relationships.

just tell me i will wait for you or change like you

Heart broken status in english 2 lines

Man’s silence is enough to tell that he is broken from inside.

The relationship broke up but we are still together from the heart.

Sukun Ka Safar
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